Sustainability at Hitachi Vantara
Sustainability at Hitachi Vantara
Video Editor, Animations (most), Videographer
Hitachi VSP Ease of Use (Video)
Hitachi VSP Ease of Use (Video)
Graphic Designer, Video Editor, Photographer, Videographer
Animation and Interactive Demo (Storyline)
Animation and Interactive Demo (Storyline)
Demo of various Storyline content featuring animations, graphics elements, and engagements | Graphic Design, Developer, Photographer
Introduction to Adaptive Learning (Video)
Introduction to Adaptive Learning (Video)
Videoscribe animated video using custom-drawn characters | Graphic Design, Video Animator
Social Media Guidelines at Hitachi Data Systems (Storyline)
Social Media Guidelines at Hitachi Data Systems (Storyline)
Articulate Storyline Guru Honorable Mention Winner | DevLearn 2012 DemoFest entry | Developer, Designer, Co-author